Col: 12 Orange
Size: 54 17 140
New REVO Sunglasses at The Optical Shop Ltd. Explore Revo Sunglasses for men and women, find your perfect pair here, at The Optical Shop Ltd.10524 82 Ave NW, Edmonton, Alberta. #YEG
In 1985, Optical Engineer Dr. Mitch Ruda was working on a project for NASA when he had a simple idea: what if we used the coatings that protect satellites to shield our eyes from the sun? Revo lens features signature NASA Light Management System™ technology. The LMS™ meticulously manages the entire spectrum of light to provide optimum vision in all conditions. Good, helpful light is allowed in and enhanced, while harmful light is reduced or blocked.
At The Optical Shop Ltd on Whyte, we offer quality service to customers with competitive pricing available, a range of prescription lenses in stock, to provide same-day services for eyeglasses. Personalized Service Available. Now we have the promotion of buy one, get the second one 50% OFF* Same prescription.